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Sotheby’s Catalog cover 41K jpeg

Early Musical Instruments

21 November 1996

  • All figures are in Pounds Sterling (GBP)
  • Sales results include Buyer’s Premium
  • Omitted lot numbers indicate items that were withdrawn, passed, or unsold as of data date


38 Benjamin Sison: Spinet, London c1700 14–18K -
39 Longman & Broderip: Square Piano, London c1780 1–1.5K 1035
40 Americus Backers: Two-manual Harpsichord, London 1766 55–75K -
41 Ferdinand Weber: Spinet, Dublin c1770 12–16K 13800
42 Jacob & Abraham Kirckman: Two-manual Harpsichord, London 1776 60–80K 102700
43 John Broadwood & Son: Grand Pianoforte, London 1805 6–10K 16100
44 Johann Andreas Stein: Grand Pianoforte, Augsburg 1784 27–32K 45500
45 Single-manual Harpsichord, Spain early 18th century 10–15K -
46 Chamber Organ, England early 19th century 8–12K -
47 Conrad Graf: Grand Pianoforte, Vienna c1820 8–12K 23000
48 Ascribed to Johann Stephan Stumphler: Bureau Organ, Dutch late 18th century 6–8K -
49 Attributed to Matthäus Andreas Stein: Grand Pianoforte, c1820 8–12K 16100
50 William Stodart & Son: Compensating Frame Grand Piano, London c1830 2.5–3.5K 3910
51 Longman & Broderip: Square Piano, London c1790 1–1.5K 1495
52 Chappell & Co: Pianino, London c1815 1.5–2K 8050
53 Longman & Broderip: Square Piano, London late 18th century 800–1.2K 1610
54 Nicola Palazzi: Fretted Clavichord, Rome 1776 4–6K 6900
55 Longman & Broderip: Square Piano, London c1790 800–1.2K 920


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