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If so, take a trip down the new M5 East in the direction of Lorraine Street, Peakhurst, where former concert performer Carey Beebe runs his one-man harpsichord empire in an industrial estate shared by, among others, St George Wheel Works and National Air Compressors. Beebe’s business has become increasingly concerned with the tuning and repair of instruments, yet he remains one of the five or six Australian craftsmen who can actually make you one (providing you don’t mind waiting a year or so). Beebe mentions he’s been asked to supply one to the studio that is to record silverchair’s next album.
Carey Beebe’s harpsichords are built to original specification, so they will sound pretty much like the ones used by such harpsichord legends as Rameau and Couperin. Beebe uses some traditional tools but has also adapted some modern ones—one of his favourites is a dentist’s drill, originally intended for root canal therapy.
It is less surprising to learn that surfboards are made locally, although non-waxheads may be amazed at how many surfers still insist on the local product…
Article by James Cockington
The Sydney Morning Herald January 3 2002
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